Growing up on the land instilled a level of nurture, care and respect for the environment. A purpose of passing down the family farm to future generations in better condition then when we started. We’re proud that we’ve been able to take these values and apply the same approach to our malthouse, with every step of our process designed to minimise our impact on the environment.
Malting on farm gives us a level of sustainability not seen in traditional industrialised malting. Significantly reduced food miles of raw grain grown on site, reduced transport of malted grain direct to regional and metropolitan breweries, and the waste products from the malting process fed back to livestock on neighbouring farms.
Water is one of our most valuable resources, its used extensively throughout the malting process, and its importance to grow our grains is obvious. It's essential we find ways to reduce consumption and find ways to effectively reuse water in ways that protect our priceless water sources. Operating on farm enables us to direct water destined to irrigate paddocks, through our malthouse where its used for processing, and then reused back out irrigate our crops.
We’ve integrated with a Biochar facility to generate energy and heat for kilning. The biochar facility converts agricultural waste products(such as walnut shells and cotton trash from nearby processing facilities) and converts this in into Biochar; charcoal that is used as a soil ameliorant for both carbon sequestration and soil health benefits. The heat produced during this process is harnessed and used in place of gas or electricity to kiln our malt.
One of the biggest impacts we, and brewers and distillers can have in reducing co2 emissions is by sourcing grains grown by farmers adopting sustainable farming practices. Whether it be reducing or omitting the use of nitrogen-based synthetic fertilisers or growing older heirloom varieties that compete better with weeds and less dependence on chemicals, our commitment to sustainability starts in the paddock, and is evident through our offering of the largest range of certified organic malts by a single malt house anywhere in the world.
Whether it’s our custom design biodegradable malt bags, our use of 100% Compostable Eco cling wrap, the option for brewers/distillers to reuse bulk bags or the consolidation of direct freight(with keg/container/spent grain returns) our commitment to sustainability doesn’t just finish once the malt leaves our facility.